Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Echo and Narcissus

I found this images and found it very striking, it is another type or retelling of myth. The myth of Echo and Narcissus. This myth has always stood out to me, probably because it is so sad. I heard it years ago and it still hands in the back of my mind especially when I hear my own voice echo. I also sometimes think about it when I see a man due to his self centered actions ruin the chance for love. I heard it so long ago my telling of it is surely different from the original but here is my version, It begins with a disappointing fameriality, Zeus is committing infidelity against Hera. He decides to keep Hera from finding by keeping her occupied with a young girl named Echo. Echo will distract Hera with the Latest gossip and Zeus will slip off unnoticed. Hera sees through this ruse and is not amused.

Hera curses Echo, Echo can now only gossip repeating what others have said. Hera then casts out Echo. Meanwhile Narcissus has been wandering about. Narcissus is quite handsome and known for his vanity, he is downright obsessed with himself. Narcissus and Echo meet and Echo who is beautiful tries to communicate with Narcissus. It doesn't go very well and he is revealed to be rather uncaring believing that Echo is not worth his attentions, not that he really notices her at all.

Echo is crushed and leaves, in time her body in all its beauty fades away. Only Echo's voice trapped by Hera's curse remains, hiding in lonely places, still repeating what she overhears. Narcissus for his uncaring attitude gathers displeasure from one of the Gods, ( I don't know which, but they all tend to like to give out punishments). When Narcissus is wandering about he comes upon a clear pool of perfectly still water, a trap left as punishment. He looks in to the pool and becomes so captivated by his reflection he can't leave. He is happily trapped there staring at himself. Eventually another good takes pity on him and turns him into a flower the same one that now shares his name. The Narcissus flowers is known for growing by still waters and hanging over the water as if looking at its reflection (which it still is).

This Images is by the artist David Revoy and it think it beautifully retells the same tale. I found it on the site http://coolvibe.com. Its a large digital painting to fully appreciate it you may wish to view it full size. Echo with her music player repeating the Latest popular music, is holding what is think is a magazine or newspaper as she sits in her beauty. Echo is entirely unnoticed by Narcissus who is absorbed (captivated even) by his own reflection. Its the same sad story.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Presentation that anyways is what I have learned

Nathaniel Ellis
November 19, 2013
That anyways is what I have learned

I will now ramble upon several topics that overall and have become important to me.
Hardship and pain, experiences and personal change.

What I have experienced
Hardship Beauty

What I am experiencing
Hardship Beauty

What I will experience
Hardship Beauty

I feel very mixed on what should have more impact on my life I have decided that both trial and its opposite both have great impact upon me. Conflict, strife, stress, pain, obstacle, challenge, sickness and loss, sit side by side within my life with with the counterparts, success, love, joy, calm, ease, health and gain.

As anyone progresses through their life I fell that they are continually recreating them selves as they experience living, I truly believe the expression “no man can step in the same river twice”. Because not only has the river moved on and has changed so the man has also changed. This change is the recreating of the persons character.

As I progress through life I am continually experiencing new things and I am changing continually into a new person. I am not the man I was a year ago or a year before that, also I am sure that next year I will to be different from who I am now, I progress as time goes on.

My life is limited, I live in the here and now, yet I feel that I am opened to so many experiences and that I can add their collected influence to my life. These can take many forms from mythology and exploits of heroes, to a chat with my grandmother about WW2 bombings on London. These events are a chance for me to expand my horizons and just like a story told can pass a night in a blink of an eye yet tell the lifetime of a man, they allow me to exchange a small part of my lifetime for another experience.

These experiences can take many forms from travel to far off exit places, to the visit of an art gallery, my life is filled with chances to experience new things. Wonder-full experiences such as novels, classes, conversations with mentors, hikes into the mountains, and morning routines abound in my life.

I think that experience in your life, good, bad, and ugly, act as a catalyst for change, change in character, soul and personality. Even the hard ships, especially the hardships. This experience can happen to you or can happen to another so long as the experience influences you. (The other may or may not be real as in mythology, but real is subjective, belief is very powerful). The retelling of the bombings of London have certainly changed me, I have and hopefully never will actually be woken in the night by air raid sirens and rush to the bomb shelters, but listening to this experience has in some way allowed it to change some part of me.

Now I will return to hardship, pain, and strife and why I think they are important. They are the moments where character is tested and broken. hardship add the color to life and even so they are certainly often not enjoyable. Yet while I would certainly never wish to relive certain events from my past I would not wish give up those experiences, their impact has allowed me to become who I am today.

I believe that as you and I go through life your experiences can either change you or you can decide to control your change. You can be acted upon or you can act upon yourself. I feel that change is unavoidable everywhere you look you can see examples of transformation, in nature and evolution, economics, love, as time passes the so called progress is made, but where is it going? I don’t' think anyone can truly live and yet stay the same to live is to change. Call it entropy or approaching room temp, call it static, call it perfection, I feel it is death, when their can be no change no improvement. I feel that living is changing, as I experience my life I am changing hopefully for the better.

I came to realize some time ago with great frustration that my life will not reach so called “perfection” and I also now realize that that is the way it is supposed to be. “Perfection” the idea that nothing can be added or taken away is something that I cannot achieve. The Lord God knows I have tried and fallen short. My life and my actions have not reached what I had envisioned so long before as perfection. I am continually trying to improve myself and will continue to do so until my death. I continually go through hardship yet now realize that there is great value in theses experiences as they have allowed me to decide who I want to be. Experiences present or allow for an opportunity for a change in my life.
The Idea that hard ship is the color of someones life now really means something to me. Life’s hardships trials, conflict, obstacles, sickness and loss, act in my life. Living is going through hardship and coming out the other side different then you entered. Hardship has become just as important to me as some of my most joyful experiences such as, (but certainly not limited to) creating and viewing art, chatting with friends and family, and experiencing a story.

Pain and hardship are not joyous experiences. I have stress, I have friends who are gravely ill, I have experienced the loss of loved ones, and these are the hardest things I have ever experienced but I realize they they are an opportunity for me to grow in character and to grow as a person. It is pain full but these current experiences allow me to improve myself. I can let stress change me into a nervous wreck or I can control my emotions. I could become bitter, cold, and harder from these hardships acting upon me or I can choose to become caring and supportive, I have become a bit of both I am a harder person but I have also learned to become more caring. I can feel like life is harsh and uncaring or I can decide to value each day as a treasure full of new experiences.

Living is becoming a new person the person you want to be or the person that is decided by your happenstances your experiences. As I said before you can be acted upon by your experiences or your experiences can allow you to act upon yourself. I now realize that I could have taken many other paths as I walked along the path that has lead me to this moment. My life could have been very different But I have chosen for (better or worse) at several points of my life to become the person I am today. I have been acted upon by some of my experiences but I have also acted upon myself. I have come to the realization that my character is largely up to me to decide I can either be acted upon by out side forces, my experiences, or I can choose my own fate as I live my life and experience each day.

That anyways is what I have learned.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Same Old Song and Dance, Retelling of old Tales

This story involves three main characters

Zachariah, The mayor of a small town, located in some lovely out of the way location in a desert like region such as Arizona or Nevada, known for its lovely rock formations. The kind of rock formation with colors such as reds and golds.

Heather, The beautiful wife of the mayor, was the bell of this town, She is pretty smart and popular. Both she and her husband come from wealthy and classy families. Heather's pride and joy is her museum, technically the city's but in all respects it has become her domain.

Ollie, is a current hero for this town as he grew up into a sports star, football, track , it seems that anything he tries he seems to excel at. Currently back from college on break, (full ride sports scholarship) he is telling tails of his latest exploits, he is particularity found of his new belt just won from a bull-riding competition he entered on a whim. He has been a great image to this town and is well liked by just about everyone even the mayor.

Now the tension begins

Heather is currently excited to reveal her latest additions to her museum, The museum has become very important to her, she pores time and energy into its exhibits and has just completed a huge remodel. She wont admit it, but she has been frustrated that Ollie has continually pulled all of the town focus upon himself and his success. (not intentionally of course he is much to modest for that). Yet at the same time she, so truly hard working, she is left with out appreciation. Not this time. She has put a dazzling display together.

The heavens explained, the night sky reveled, was the title of her new museum exhibit, just about to be opened to the public. Heather has made the central exhibit of her domain into a reproduction of the Heavens. The entire museum is remolded and the central exhibit is stunning. Stars sparkle in breathtaking beauty in the main hall. Grand displays tell the tails of comets, suns and moons. It is especially impressive and is Heather's greatest achievement.

At the Grand opening only days away Heather revels hers plans for opening night to her husband (the mayor) at a formal dinner. Ollie is in attendance along with many prominent members of the community. Heather's intent was to grandly revel her plans and then to savor the praise of those assembled, it backfires most spectacularly.

Heather's speech is politely interrupted by Ollie with as suggestion to on the night of her opening "lets all hike out into the rock formations and view the stars to celebrate the opening. I know a great spot, it's not a hard hike it will be great." The whole assembled gathering loves the idea, especially Zachariah. (Its a wonderful opportunity to spread word about the towns nearby hiking and sightseeing, a major source of tourism.)

Heather plans fall apart and her grand opening is mostly replaced in favor for the hike. More then half of her events are canceled to give enough time for the hike. The rest of her careful plans and events are hopelessly rushed and disordered. The whole evening will be a mess. Heather is ticked, furious even, her hands under the table bent a fork into a knot as she said in her sweetest voice "o what a great idea" She swore (silently of course) revenge, with out the slightest trace of rage in her smiling face. This would be the "second" to last time that Ollie would overshadow her in the news.

The museum opening was a disaster, Heather appeared to take it very well. No one noticed that her hand initially clenched in anger, just briefly. She remained calm, reserved, graceful, and patient, the entire evening and always smiling. The Hike was just as wonderful as planed, practically the whole town showed up. The hike lasted into the evening, then everyone watched the sunset from a camp set upon a plateau. The evening reached its climax as the town watched the stars come out. The highlight of the night was a swarm of shooting stars, icing on the cake for a perfect evening of fair skies.

Later in the evening when all slept, using only starlight to guide her, Heather crept ever so silently out into the night to find a equal to her fearsome rage. At last she found an vessel for her fury. She crept back into camp and into Ollie's boot placed her revenge. Then returned ever so silently to her tent and laid quietly listening for only one sound.

Just as the sky was showing the first light of dawn it came, a short yell from a man in surprise, then silence, before a furry of activity as everyone rushed out of tents.

The news reported a full page on the great Ollie, To note it was the "last time" his name appeared on the front page of the paper. The official report was that a Scorpion had crawled into Ollie's boot and in the morning when Ollie went for his daily sunrise run he stepped upon the creature. It stung him only once but killed him quickly. He killed the creature in the process, his last victory. The whole town was heart broken

Zachariah suspected something, but the matter never went farther, except that Ollie would have a permanent memorial in the museum as a town hero. Heather was furious but not wishing to publicly display disapproval placed on Right wall a plaque with a description of the hero, Ollie even with a large picture.

But on the Left wall (the opposite wall) as her private last word, placed a small display to a native species, the scorpion. And both stand to this day in the main hall of the museum, within the heavens surrounded by stars.

The clues

Zachariah Z Zeus

Heather H Hera

Ollie O Orion

Zechariah is mayor or highest office Zeus rules as a king

Heather treats the museum as her domain ruling like a queen Hera is queen of the gods known for her beauty

Heather and Zachariah both come from wealthy and classy families being this represents their divinity and that they are set apart from other people as gods.

Ollie is a town hero succeeds over every challenge and has a notable belt. Orion also is a hero and is known for his belt.

The museum is the heavens filled with stars

Hera kills Orion with a scorpion one of her creations, he steps on it and they both die. Orion is placed into the constellations with his Belt. Hera places the Scorpion into the heavens as the constellation Scorpio as its reward. They are on opposite sides of the heavens (Right wall and Left wall) So that they do not encounter one another again.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The death of orchids and cultures thoughts on extinction

The story teller returned to my thoughts a contemplation I had thought on years ago and have still not solved. This contemplation this dilemma focuses on the comparison of a human culture to a biological species how similar they are and how both are so irreplaceable. I feel so conflicted on this issue because to me a species is like a treasure such as a painting, so irreplaceable. Their can be only one original, it is wonderful and once lost their is really no way to restore it. (In the practical sense, science can do wonders but it can not seems to restore things to how the have been in continuing equilibrium. I have heard science can clone the mammoth but can it set them loose into the world as as wild sustaining system tat fits into its own ecosystem, I doubt it sadly) A culture is so much the same once it has died out it is really lost, its traditions rituals and stories, fade to memory and them to history. Just like the Dodo bird lost to history never again to walk earth.

Both cultures and species take an glorious amount of time to form, both based upon what has come before, ever slowly changing to fit within their surroundings, Evolving so gracefully. (If I can be permitted to use that term, I think on this issue from the stand point of someone who is fascinated by genetics and the tree of life, yet I am also a Christian and have never really felt the conflict that so many, from both sides of the debate, say is present)

I guess what I am getting at is that both cultures and biological species have in my mind so many similarities and maybe that is what saddens me. Because in biology species go extinct as a part of the natural order, if a species can not survive they will die out, they will be replaced. Survival of the fittest is ruthless at its heart not by choice but by chance.

 In a nutshell Natural variation is a process created from chance but controlled by survival. Mutations (or change) are created randomly and will affect fitness (or survival). Likely hood suggests accurately that the individuals that are more fit in their surroundings are the more likely to survive and so produce offspring like them selves. Individuals that are less fit are less likely to produce offspring and therefore are superseded by those who do.

Its a nice clean calm fact based and ruthless system, terribly ruthless. With no over-site or guidance nature works every gracefully, the species present gradually change by chance and selection so to improve their fitness. And we are surrounded by its wonders, a personal favorite of mine are orchids. This Type of plant is often known first for lovely flowers, in many wondrous shapes. Orchids are a truly interesting group that is quite diverse.Some orchids are known for their very specific habitats and conditions of growth, even slight changes can result in the death of the plants and their is a fragility a tragedy. I find it so sad that nature would spend so long to produce a thing so lovely that is destined to fade into history. Change in habitat, even a very small one, can result of extinction of a beautiful flower. Simply because conditions are no longer right for the flower and so it will be replaced by an organism more fit. It is natural and a continuing process leading the way for the creating of other things, maybe other flowers. Its wonderful to think of how life will continue on changing into new and wonderful forms and tragic to watch as these wonders replace or supersede other wonders.

And here we are back to myths, legends, rituals, societies and cultures. Like biological species they develop over time, gradually building on what has come before until today. I can't help but to see the similarities, are cultures also governed by natural selection? It appears so and their fore it is natural and somewhat unavoidable to see cultures fade into history as the the world changes. Societies that can no longer the most fit for their surroundings are simply going to be replaced by other societies and walks of life. Its sad but I am still hopeful. I hope that all is not lost and that some aspects of a dying culture are incorporated into the new, that unlike a species their can be a little blending and society can continue onward incorporating the best elements forward. I am hopeful because natural selection ideally leads to ever improving the chances of survival and continually selects for improvements, maybe it means that cultures are always improving and will always continue to do so. I feel that their is no perfect culture or society on earth, but I believe societies can change. I hope that human culture continues to improve itself, not just for survival but for greater things such as peace on earth and goodwill among men.

 I think it is pointless just to survive, I think our society can be beautiful just like an orchid, we just need to make it that way. Unlike natural selection we can provide oversight and guidance to our own development we choose our own destiny and I hope and fear for our future, but at the end of the day its up to us. Mankind's culture can develop by natural selection or we can choose our destiny, I do hope we choose wisely instead of simply chance and selection.

But these are just my thoughts

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Another type of initiation, Realization and Understanding

Our class has gone into great detail on various initiation rights and rituals from all over the world and our discussions have reminded me of an interesting thoughts both self generated and others that I attribute to Mark Twain.

Our class have often focused on physical aspects that mark an initiation but I think that their are mental aspects and I have been contemplating their influence. I would like to explore two of my musings "realization of death" and "Understanding of a subject that leads to a change in an individuals perception". They are very different topics but both can be entirely internalized and are very much private initiation events, both focused within an individual.

Realization of death, This event is I think a major milestone in an individual's life. I think of this event as the time in an individuals life when they realize that death is part of their life and will eventually claim their own life. This event can take many forms to a person and the individual's response can be extremely varied. The event may happen only once or may recur in an individual's life. But I think several aspects can be present in any individuals life, a common example and likely most  notable is the death of a friend or family member. This event has a huge impact and at least in my life has influenced me to reevaluate my life and my priorities. Childhood ideally is free from this realization but inevitability I believe that every individual is faced at some time with mortality. Its often not a pleasant realization but I do consider it an initiation that can (and should?, (I think so)) have a great influence on an individuals life. This initiation of understanding marks a change in an individuals life, but this change is often internal.

Understanding of a subject that leads to a change in an individuals perception. This seems like an extremely complex statement but  can simplify it using two examples from a work of Mark Twain. This concept was first introduced to me when reading one of his writing for an English class several years ago. The novel focused on several stories that I understand are based on actual events from the authors life when working on a steamboat, (I believe that is where he acquired his pen name Mark Twain). The author brought up the idea that as an individual gains understanding about any subject he also loses some of the how he was initially able to observes the subject. For the authors retelling he focused on two examples.

 The Steering of the steamboat requires a lot of river knowledge so that the vessel can be steered away from shallow water and other dangers. Initially the young apprentice has a great love for the rivers beauty and form, but as he gains this vital knowledge on water, its paths, currents, and behaviors his perception of the river is altered. The young helmsman describes it with a sense of loss, when he now views the water he sees the currents and sandbars and his understanding is forever altered. His initial appreciation of the river can never be regained his gained knowledge helps and hinders his perception. When the young helmsmen expresses his feelings on the subject to the senior helmsman he further describes this concept with pity for a male doctor. I paraphrase here " when the medical doctor looks a lovely young lady does he still see her beauty? or does he instead see her face as a collection of healthy tissues and proper bone structure, does he see her lovely eyes or does he examine them (even at an unconscious level) for proper vision?" The author seemed to state that understanding can and often does take away some of the wonder that was the initial spark in an individuals life to pursue the understanding. The young helmsman loved the river and now that he understands the river feels that this understanding hinders him from appreciating the rivers beauty.

I think that this is a personal initiation a change in an individuals life that makes them forever different, the understanding cannot be removed returning things to how they were before. I entered the study biology because I loved plant life and feel that this is especially true in my life. If  I look at a beautiful flower before I would have seen only its beauty, now I sees its beauty through a fog of knowledge, its structure, family group, and above all its genetics because that is my specialty.

I think that initiations of this internal nature are just as important if not more important in an individuals life, Because they mark a change in the mind. The part of an individual that leads their behaviors, thoughts, and character. I also think that they are most interesting because the initial event that triggers this change can be entirely internalized only indirectly influencing actions due to a change in character. I realize that in life individuals (myself included) continually experience initiations or changes in their life and these have great influence on a person's internal character dictated by how the individual responds to the initiation.

But these are just my thoughts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Some Thoughts on Coming of Day Rituals. Why have they came into being?

I was most interested to listen to the many ways that initiation rights can be performed, and especially noteworthy is that this idea of a passages marked by trial and ceremony are very widespread. Yet I wonder why these transitions are often marked, especially in separate cultures.

I in my thought process will explore and consider the question "what are the benefits of marking a point in an individuals life?" In transitions I think their are two extremes "No mark whatsoever of transition" compared to a "Life changing trial that leaves some permanent reminder of the transition"
In these musings a transition can represent any important event in an individual's life such as (but certainly not limited to) adulthood, marriage, acceptance into a group and lastly leadership position.

In many cultures these events are marked with events and rituals, but why should these events be noted. I think the rituals are to mark and or place cultural importance on these events. For example if marriage is important to an individual (or their culture) they tend to want to make it a noteworthy event, (or the culture tends to put pressure on the individual to make it a noteworthy event).

I have some thoughts on this
I think this comes from a notion that routine or average life is separate from change or that change is more important than average events. When events and happenings stay the same the daily requirements of an individual are also the same, each day is much like the last. But when a transition happens the daily routine changes, now what was expected of the individual can be different.
For example with marriage two separate individuals transition from living apart to living together they may even start a family. The individuals daily lives are very much different than they were before and the individuals is expected to have different behaviors and responsibilities. It would not do for a married man (in most cases in western culture) to continue to live as though he was not married. Once a man is married in western culture it is expected that his behaviors and responsibilities will change to match those expected of a married man in that culture.

The same idea can be applied to rituals that mark manhood. The rituals often mark the point when a child is an adult and their fore expected to act and fulfill the responsibilities of an adult. For example many of the adult hood initiation rituals presented in class noted that after the transition the now adult man could take a wife. Some of the rituals were particularly harsh (by my cultural standards) on the individual. I  think this is because the culture places a lot of importance on the transition, and on  the individuals new expectations and requirements.

I think that this idea of changing responsibilities and expectations can be applied in some form to any ritual that marks a transition. I think that the rituals purpose to place cultural importance on this transition and the new expectations and requirements on the individual.

I think becoming president of the united states is a transition that places new expectations and responsibilities on an individual, and I will explore this further as a concept in my current musings.

In the United States of America the president is culturally considered to be greatly important, and because of this I think a initiation ritual has been created to mark this transition.
The United States of America incoming president traditionally performs a ceremony when he becomes president, it is referred to as the inauguration of the president of the United States. The official requirements are an oath of office by the entering president. The event has evolved over the years so that it now has become much larger including many new traditional elements including parades, speeches, a ball, as well as other events. I find the oath particularly notable as the technically only required element. (The oath is required by the the constitution)

I think that this event is to primarily mark the new expectations on the entering president. I also think that the reason that the event has become larger over time is due to the cultural expectations on the entering president . The president is now given a lot of responsibility and has many expectations placed upon him. I think the weight of these changes in the individuals life combined with cultural expectations are the reason that the ritual has come into being.

But these are just my thoughts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Momote Shiki a Japanese archery ritual, part of the coming of day or Seijin-no-Hi tradition

Brief description of the tradition

This tradition is part of a larger set of traditions and is celebrated as part of Seiji-no-Hi or the comming of days. This is a milestone for individuals in Japanese traditions. Seiji-no-Hi is celebrated the first monday of January and on this day many 20 and 21 year olds celebrate a transition into adulthood. Young (20 ish) individuals often go to Shrines and other places to pray and reflect, along with other traditions.

Momote Shiki is a ritual archery competition that occurs as part of the coming of days traditions. Individuals from the Ogasawara-Ryu (one of the oldest schools of Japanese-style archery) take part in this event.  It is my understanding that the event has evolved from earlier training exercises.  The shift of the rituals is no longer on necessarily hitting the target but instead it has a distinctive spiritual focus. The focus is on how archery can be used in self improvement for mind and soul. It is most interesting to watch how each movement seems coordinated and flows from one to the next.

The ritual seems follows a simple format
Those participating where traditional clothing and unusual hat (the hat is associated with governing officials).
A priest cleanses and or purifies the archery range.
Then he fires a special arrow that has a unusual head that whistles as it flies. This arrow is thought to originally be used in wartime signals but is now used to scare away evil spirits into the four directions.
Then the archers line up and fire as individuals, not at the same time but in a sequence.
after the 100 arrows are fired the ceremony is ended with a small glass of sake.

I was especially interested to know that hitting the targets is not a focus for the event. I was also surprised by how solemn the participants. The event seems some how sacred and definitely seemed to be very important to those participating.

A poem was mentioned that seemed to describe the rituals focus.

A Zen Master of the Kamakura Period once wrote:
No target's erected
No bow's drawn
And the arrow leaves the string;
It may not hit,
But it does not miss!

My sources were primarily found using internet searches on Google

I wanted to put up a web page that was particularly helpful, I used a combination of other sources as well but this page seemed to have a nice amount of useful information.

as well as this video that was in my opinion well done and nicly shows the ritual

I think that such rituals are important to society as milestones for an individuals life and that such traditions should not be forgotten
But these are just my thoughts

Monday, October 7, 2013

Image of Dine Bahane

When in class our teacher mentioned that a created work of art to illustrate our creation myths I was initially excited. I have for many years considered myself an artist and look forward to creating some art to illustrate the creation myth. But as many artists or other creators are sure to know sometimes it is hard to find inspiration. To use an appropriate expression my muse was not with me. I had looked at many of the creation myth images depicted on the useful internet, and liked the unusual styles depicted in what must be the art styles of the Navajo Native Americans (or first peoples).

navajo creation story facts

 I decided that such a stile may be interesting to try, (I have a great fondness of experimentation with new techniques and or art styles). Yet did not seem to make progress towards creating.... anything. I just seemed stuck until sometime later when I found another image. I have noticed that forcing creativity doesn't necessarily work for me. I tend to do best when I let it flow at its own pace. I think several things changed when I saw that image. I was struck by its creativity and its great talent. But also I was surprised by its uniqueness. it was very unlike any of the images I had seen before. I think I needed that inspiration to jump start my own creativity. I may have become too attached to replication of a unfamiliar style and just got into thinking to much on the mechanics of the project.

 I feel much more free no when I realized I can use this as an opportunity to create something of my own style pulling things from any source of inspiration. Yet I must make sure that my own creation is in some way drawn from myself.  From my own inner being I need to pull part of my creation. I find it hard to put into words these contemplations, this experience may be unique to me, but I suspect that others artists feel the same about creation. When you create its using a bit of oneself in the creation. One's self is not used up by the creation more like channeled, or maybe made permanent. The expression that comes to mind is " a candle loses none of its light by lighting another candle". I have started to sketch out possible designs for some sort of project, maybe a painting. All this rambling is because this image helped me to understand something. My art can be influenced by other artwork but for it to mean anything to me I need to pull some of the art from myself.
But these are just my thoughts.

Image from http://dgeiu3fz282x5.cloudfront.net/g/l/lgwiz01546+navajo-creation-myth-john-stephens-poster.jpg With great thanks

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Repetition, PCR and achieving perfection

My Experiences with a task that could be considered repetitive and or boring,
Oddly I did not even consider this task unpleasant and enjoy PCR, I preform polymerase chain reactions on a regular basis and often complete several a week in my lab. I will over cast some of the techniques finer points and give a simplified and less technical description. This procedure is used for analysis of DNA samples by repeatedly copying a segment of the sample DNA using a primer pair so that it can later be viewed using an electrophoresis gel. In a sense you take a small bit a DNA and end with a large amount of a specific portion.

Several People have told me that they do not like to preform PCRs because they are very repetitive, I think that that is one of the reasons I like them. The procedure takes several hours to complete fully and does not vary between sample sets, it is primarily unchanging. It involves a lot of repetitive motion because for each sample must be treated just like the other samples so each step is repeated for each sample. For example at one step a reagent is added, this reagent must be added to each of the samples. I tend to perform this procedure with thirty two samples, so this one step is performed thirty two times as is the next step and so on and so forth.

Great care and some skill is needed to complete the procedure. The procedure can not be rushed without risk of mistake, and care must be taken at all times so that samples are not confused with one another. If at any time a mix up happens the whole batch is useless scientifically. Each step is crucial and so also must be completed in order and with a high degree of accuracy. The measurements of solutions are crucial and unforgiving and are very small less then a ml generally in the range of 2-1000 micro meters, (1000 micrometers in one ml) slight errors ruin a batch.

Because of the sensitivity of the procedure I must take great care in preforming all of the steps with great accuracy. Over all I still find the procedure relaxing and genuinely enjoy the procedure, even with all of the care involved. I like the repetition and the perfection involved. This sounds Obsessive and or compulsive (OCD) but when I get done with a set of identical perfectly alined samples I feel a great sensation of satisfaction. Its an accomplishment but I think it is due in part to the concept of perfection, Few things that I accomplish can be considered to meet the requirements of perfection but PCR does.

Not to say that I don't succeed in other areas I excel in other activities too, but this specific kind of accomplishment seems rare. It is hard to explain how I feel on this topic but the Procedure of PCR feels some how different. To note I feel it is self destructive to try to be perfect in all aspects of someones life and perfectionism can be harmful even in just parts of your life. Yet I think that when your life requires excellence and you can fulfill that requirement with a very high success, perfection it is a great accomplishment. I know that sometimes I push my self harder then necessary, and it is one of my traits that I work to change. Yet at the same time I think that it is healthy and good for an individual to push themselves somewhat so that they push back their boundaries and succeed where they would not have believed they could. So in a sense I think individuals should not be afraid to achieve what could be called perfection, just note that if you don't succeed then certainly don’t let that discouragement hold you back from living the rest of your life. I have come to realize that I will never succeed at all of my trials but failure will not stop me from trying with the fullest of my ability to achieve perfection.

But these are just my thoughts

Monday, September 23, 2013

Rituals in my life

I initially thought that I have no rituals in my daily life, but then looking closer I think that their are some aspects of my life that could be considered rituals. I will reflect on one in this post.
I consider any habit that is preformed consistently with some significance to the performer a ritual if the action/habit also has a certain distinction. The action must in some way be more then necessary or required. For example the habit of brushing my teeth is not a ritual to me because it is necessary for basic health. I think my definition is some what limited but it allows me to narrow out my daily habits and focus on unusual traits of my daily life.

I tend to do some things in a way that does meet my requirements for a ritual.
I always carry certain items on my person, almost always (I tend to check my person before I leave the house making sure I have not forgotten them.) I also always tend to carry these items in the same way. Each item always goes into the same pocket (or in the case of the ring always on the same hand). I sometimes don't take them out of my pockets all day, but still carry them with me each day.

 I carry a pocket watch (mechanical or wind up style). My high school class ring on my right hand. A stylized cross on a chain. my keys, with certain key chains that I have had since I started to carry keys, including a small glass earth, flash drives, a small bit of self woven material, and a ring I created in an art class, along with my car and house keys. One pocket knife. Two bandannas carefully folded in exactly the same way, one to cover my pocket watch to keep out dust and another because they tend to be useful. My wallet, and my cell phone are practicable but always with me. And lastly some sort of stone, I favor and collect labodorite and carry a small particularity nice polished worry stone.

Overall all I would not say that carrying these things with me is in any way unhealthy, but instead is a habit that for some reason has become important to me. I think it is because I like the constancy of the situation each day continuing to be somewhat like the day before. It has become a comfort to keep this aspect of my day the same.

I suspect that is why many people have rituals in their lives, because in this world many things are changing and uncertain and uncontrollable. Yet people can try to keep some part of their lives structured just the way they like it and so that it has some significance to them, even if they cannot control anything else. I think it is healthy to want control in your own life and think that it is natural to try and arrange your day so that you can do so even if it is in only the smallest things.

But these are just my thoughts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The creation myth of the Navajo

Diné Bahane

This story tell of the creation of people and the world as we know it today.

First world the black world
known for a singular island with a tree sounded by 4 black seas, little to no light
Man and women created separately from 4 colored clouds
They find each other after First women sees First man's fire.
Many other peoples come into being including the ant people (red and black) the wasp people and others
World becomes crouded and conflect arises the people are asked to leave by the 4 rulers from the 4 seas
The inhabitants climb up and find a hole into the 2nd world.

Blue world
Is a small world filled already by its own inhabitants: Swallow people and grey animals that have blue eyes
Conflict arises among the inhabitants and people wish to leave but can not
First man creates four wands and the inhabitants walk on them until they find a slit into the third world.

The yellow world
This world is known to have two rivers flowing from north to south and from east to west, they cross in the middle
Man and Women become human and are no longer spirit
Many people are born and quickly grow and multiply
Great flood comes water continually rising
Four Reeds are planted and grow into a great stock that is hollowed out by wood pecker.
Inhabitants flee up a planted reed and enter into the fourth world

The White or glittering world
Water is still rising and is caused because 'First angry a coyote has stolen water beasts children. Some variation in the story but he gives at least on back and the water recedes.
First man and First women plan out and create sun and moon seasons and stars, This is disrupted by coyote first angry, who unbalances seasons and lunar cycle. and scatters many of the stars randomly.
Monster slayer and his brother are born and goes on many adventures

Monster slayer leaves four monsters alive.
Cold, because without her the world would become too hot.
Hunger, because without him food would loos its pleasure and purpose, there would be no planting and no feasting.
Poverty, because without him their would be no wearing out of items, and then there would be no creation or innovation again on the earth.
Death, because with out her people would never die and therefore there would be no need of children because without death new life would not occur

and that is how the Navajo Indians describe the creation of the world as we know it today


Monday, September 9, 2013

The tale of the avocado

Hugging A Tree

Here is a photo of me hugging my avocado tree. I like the plant because it survived against all odds. It was started by my mother last year and was give to me because it looked like it was going to die but I was able to restore it back to vitality. It doesn't look like much but it looks much better then when I revived it. When it was given to me it it was only a long stalk with three unhappy leaves. But with plenty of sun it was able to recover.

I like the plant because it has a lot of potential that almost was lost, but instead it can now start thriving just because it got a little help.
I was thinking about it and it sounds a little inspirational in all of the best and stylized ways. It follows the classic story of overcoming a difficult circumstance with help. I can place the theme of this tale from many other stories I have read or hear it just looks different each time.

The avocado started out like many other avocados as a seed that was sprouted into a tender plant.
Just like people start out equal and are cared for by others the avocado was cared for by my mother, with all of its need met. The Avocado grew up into a small tree with a cluster of healthy leaves, but then disaster struck when the living room was rearranged and the avocado no longer was by the window. Just like the avocado people can go through hardships and turmoil that are completely out of their control. Then the avocado begun to wilt, with out its sun its leaves one by one dried and dropped. With out hope and in hard ships people can lose their will to survive. But then the avocado was moved it took a long car ride in a crammed vehicle in the middle of winter, to a new home in another city. Sometimes to overcome a hardship and calamity a great risks are taken sometimes with a journey and a struggle to survive. Then the avocado was taken inside from the cold and placed next to a much larger much more sunny window and watered. It has survived and even though it took some time it recovered and still continues to grow. Overcoming that hardship was likely the greatest challenge in the plants life but because it strives to survive it may one day become great tree. So don't give up! regardless of what you are facing with help even great obstacles can be overcome, and that is the motivational story of my avocado.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My earliest memory

The hall with the white cat
I have not thought on early memories in some time but can recall one that I believe is my oldest known. occasionally I think about his one because I like it for some reason. Its important to me. It is faint but very vivid in some details. It consists of mostly one single image with no movement. I am very young or must be because the hall way is very high (the door knobs must be above my head). A hallway with one or two rooms on my left and at least one door on my right. the doors are opened and open into rooms. I can not see into the rooms from this angle but the doors are all opened. Certain details are unclear but I remember doors on both sides, but not how many exactly. I can not remember what is at the end of the hall way just grey in my mind (I find this very odd that I can't see farther). The focus in on details closer to me. The carpet is grey/blue (maybe?) and the walls are white, but look grey in the light its not strong but not weak I remember this clearly, the light coming in. Light comes in from the room on my left, At least I think so its fuzzy certain details. I remember the light but not exactly where it is placed. I remember the light coming in to the hall indirectly from like a window in another room, that is why its not so bright. The light is white sun light and flows into the hall from the left. One especially important detail is the cat. I remember a cat a white grey cat in this hall. It is the heart of the memory its white and fluffy and it is turned away from me but has turned its head and shoulders back towards me, like it was walking down the hall and is now turning around to face me. That is the entirety of the memory its simple and peaceful and quite, no sound at all and no movement. Just recalling it I feel calm, the whole scene is very calm.

Tree hugging
The idea to hug a Tree is one that initially surprised me. I am not apposed to tree ( In fact I have been called a "tree huger" by friends). It did surprise me though why would a mythologies class hug trees? or find them important at all for that matter?

I like trees I would like to clarify that. I like them and other plants a lot. I am a plant science major with a double major in Biotechnology. I wish to make plant, life with a goal of improving it through genetics, to be a central theme of my life's work.

So back to mythology why hug a tree. Many reasons come to mind symbolism in trees is every where. Trees are strong and lasting features on the landscape. Older trees ancient trees could represent many important ideas age, history, the past, endurance, young trees can symbolize concepts such as  potential, youth, new beginnings, vulnerability.

Them came some in class discussion with the axis and concept of a tree as a foundation of the world and for some reason that excited me and made me think of all sorts of ways that trees are important. How they appear in stories and how much I value them. I have more ideas on this topic but I have not finished thinking on them, maybe I will never be fully satisfied. I think it is important not to give up on ideas just because they are difficult to grasp in their fullness. I think it is certainly worth my time and efforts to continue to ponder ideas even if I am not able to grasp all that the idea could be, because the more I ponder the more I obtain. I don't and am quite sure I will never have all the answers I am looking for, but the questions and the journey to examine them is probably just as important if not more so.
But these are my thoughts

Monday, September 2, 2013

I have always associated myths and legends with the idea that they were created to remember a past whether it was ideals, history or traditions. (Note I use a past not the actual fact and historical past)

The reason for this recollection is so that these remembered things  (true or false) could be used to influence present and future decisions.

I have been thinking a bit on memory on a large scale as applied to a culture. I view the myths and stories similarly to an individuals memories.

Myths to me seem to be  way to pass down a set of ideas from one generation to the next. I feel this conclusion was in part drawn from my past classes in history, but I feel like I would like to add to this definition.

My thoughts
Great works of art (including but not limited to) paintings, novels, plays, movies, myths, all have a timeless quality in that they center their stories on aspects of humans that are unanswerable and continue to recur (even today) One example come to me from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It is a timeless tale that I am sure is known to you, a tale of star crossed and ill fated love. The tale told again and again and will continue to cycle and repeat its self (I am sure of this.) I feel that I have lived through the theme of this story, unlikely and strong vibrant love is broken not by the lovers but by an unstoppable outside force and was fated to end even before it begin. This theme appears from many sources.

I fell that myths and stories have and will continue to influence our society and cultures due to their repeatable subject matter, subjects certainly not limited to hate, love, desire, and justice, aspects of our lives that occur now and have occurred before. The stories that have had the greatest emotional influence on me were the tales that I felt reflected what I had experienced in my life. It is sometimes a comfort to known that I am not alone in my hardships and that as others lived through their own troubles I will traverse my own.

But also of great importance to me are the concepts that I am unfamiliar with. Reading and experiencing a story (or a painting for that matter (of which I am quite fond)) lets me experience events that I have not lived through and I hope I learn from them something that builds my character in a similar way as its initial witness.

For example I was not a witness to the bombing of London during world war II, but I have listened to a first hand account. Even though I have not lived through that time I feel that a part of me now has. I hope I have learned from this pseudo experience. Myths, stories, paintings and other acts of creation let me experience ideas and emotions out side of my lifetime.

But these are just my thoughts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A first post to see if all is working on august 28 2013