Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My earliest memory

The hall with the white cat
I have not thought on early memories in some time but can recall one that I believe is my oldest known. occasionally I think about his one because I like it for some reason. Its important to me. It is faint but very vivid in some details. It consists of mostly one single image with no movement. I am very young or must be because the hall way is very high (the door knobs must be above my head). A hallway with one or two rooms on my left and at least one door on my right. the doors are opened and open into rooms. I can not see into the rooms from this angle but the doors are all opened. Certain details are unclear but I remember doors on both sides, but not how many exactly. I can not remember what is at the end of the hall way just grey in my mind (I find this very odd that I can't see farther). The focus in on details closer to me. The carpet is grey/blue (maybe?) and the walls are white, but look grey in the light its not strong but not weak I remember this clearly, the light coming in. Light comes in from the room on my left, At least I think so its fuzzy certain details. I remember the light but not exactly where it is placed. I remember the light coming in to the hall indirectly from like a window in another room, that is why its not so bright. The light is white sun light and flows into the hall from the left. One especially important detail is the cat. I remember a cat a white grey cat in this hall. It is the heart of the memory its white and fluffy and it is turned away from me but has turned its head and shoulders back towards me, like it was walking down the hall and is now turning around to face me. That is the entirety of the memory its simple and peaceful and quite, no sound at all and no movement. Just recalling it I feel calm, the whole scene is very calm.

Tree hugging
The idea to hug a Tree is one that initially surprised me. I am not apposed to tree ( In fact I have been called a "tree huger" by friends). It did surprise me though why would a mythologies class hug trees? or find them important at all for that matter?

I like trees I would like to clarify that. I like them and other plants a lot. I am a plant science major with a double major in Biotechnology. I wish to make plant, life with a goal of improving it through genetics, to be a central theme of my life's work.

So back to mythology why hug a tree. Many reasons come to mind symbolism in trees is every where. Trees are strong and lasting features on the landscape. Older trees ancient trees could represent many important ideas age, history, the past, endurance, young trees can symbolize concepts such as  potential, youth, new beginnings, vulnerability.

Them came some in class discussion with the axis and concept of a tree as a foundation of the world and for some reason that excited me and made me think of all sorts of ways that trees are important. How they appear in stories and how much I value them. I have more ideas on this topic but I have not finished thinking on them, maybe I will never be fully satisfied. I think it is important not to give up on ideas just because they are difficult to grasp in their fullness. I think it is certainly worth my time and efforts to continue to ponder ideas even if I am not able to grasp all that the idea could be, because the more I ponder the more I obtain. I don't and am quite sure I will never have all the answers I am looking for, but the questions and the journey to examine them is probably just as important if not more so.
But these are my thoughts

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