Monday, September 23, 2013

Rituals in my life

I initially thought that I have no rituals in my daily life, but then looking closer I think that their are some aspects of my life that could be considered rituals. I will reflect on one in this post.
I consider any habit that is preformed consistently with some significance to the performer a ritual if the action/habit also has a certain distinction. The action must in some way be more then necessary or required. For example the habit of brushing my teeth is not a ritual to me because it is necessary for basic health. I think my definition is some what limited but it allows me to narrow out my daily habits and focus on unusual traits of my daily life.

I tend to do some things in a way that does meet my requirements for a ritual.
I always carry certain items on my person, almost always (I tend to check my person before I leave the house making sure I have not forgotten them.) I also always tend to carry these items in the same way. Each item always goes into the same pocket (or in the case of the ring always on the same hand). I sometimes don't take them out of my pockets all day, but still carry them with me each day.

 I carry a pocket watch (mechanical or wind up style). My high school class ring on my right hand. A stylized cross on a chain. my keys, with certain key chains that I have had since I started to carry keys, including a small glass earth, flash drives, a small bit of self woven material, and a ring I created in an art class, along with my car and house keys. One pocket knife. Two bandannas carefully folded in exactly the same way, one to cover my pocket watch to keep out dust and another because they tend to be useful. My wallet, and my cell phone are practicable but always with me. And lastly some sort of stone, I favor and collect labodorite and carry a small particularity nice polished worry stone.

Overall all I would not say that carrying these things with me is in any way unhealthy, but instead is a habit that for some reason has become important to me. I think it is because I like the constancy of the situation each day continuing to be somewhat like the day before. It has become a comfort to keep this aspect of my day the same.

I suspect that is why many people have rituals in their lives, because in this world many things are changing and uncertain and uncontrollable. Yet people can try to keep some part of their lives structured just the way they like it and so that it has some significance to them, even if they cannot control anything else. I think it is healthy to want control in your own life and think that it is natural to try and arrange your day so that you can do so even if it is in only the smallest things.

But these are just my thoughts

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