Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Some Thoughts on Coming of Day Rituals. Why have they came into being?

I was most interested to listen to the many ways that initiation rights can be performed, and especially noteworthy is that this idea of a passages marked by trial and ceremony are very widespread. Yet I wonder why these transitions are often marked, especially in separate cultures.

I in my thought process will explore and consider the question "what are the benefits of marking a point in an individuals life?" In transitions I think their are two extremes "No mark whatsoever of transition" compared to a "Life changing trial that leaves some permanent reminder of the transition"
In these musings a transition can represent any important event in an individual's life such as (but certainly not limited to) adulthood, marriage, acceptance into a group and lastly leadership position.

In many cultures these events are marked with events and rituals, but why should these events be noted. I think the rituals are to mark and or place cultural importance on these events. For example if marriage is important to an individual (or their culture) they tend to want to make it a noteworthy event, (or the culture tends to put pressure on the individual to make it a noteworthy event).

I have some thoughts on this
I think this comes from a notion that routine or average life is separate from change or that change is more important than average events. When events and happenings stay the same the daily requirements of an individual are also the same, each day is much like the last. But when a transition happens the daily routine changes, now what was expected of the individual can be different.
For example with marriage two separate individuals transition from living apart to living together they may even start a family. The individuals daily lives are very much different than they were before and the individuals is expected to have different behaviors and responsibilities. It would not do for a married man (in most cases in western culture) to continue to live as though he was not married. Once a man is married in western culture it is expected that his behaviors and responsibilities will change to match those expected of a married man in that culture.

The same idea can be applied to rituals that mark manhood. The rituals often mark the point when a child is an adult and their fore expected to act and fulfill the responsibilities of an adult. For example many of the adult hood initiation rituals presented in class noted that after the transition the now adult man could take a wife. Some of the rituals were particularly harsh (by my cultural standards) on the individual. I  think this is because the culture places a lot of importance on the transition, and on  the individuals new expectations and requirements.

I think that this idea of changing responsibilities and expectations can be applied in some form to any ritual that marks a transition. I think that the rituals purpose to place cultural importance on this transition and the new expectations and requirements on the individual.

I think becoming president of the united states is a transition that places new expectations and responsibilities on an individual, and I will explore this further as a concept in my current musings.

In the United States of America the president is culturally considered to be greatly important, and because of this I think a initiation ritual has been created to mark this transition.
The United States of America incoming president traditionally performs a ceremony when he becomes president, it is referred to as the inauguration of the president of the United States. The official requirements are an oath of office by the entering president. The event has evolved over the years so that it now has become much larger including many new traditional elements including parades, speeches, a ball, as well as other events. I find the oath particularly notable as the technically only required element. (The oath is required by the the constitution)

I think that this event is to primarily mark the new expectations on the entering president. I also think that the reason that the event has become larger over time is due to the cultural expectations on the entering president . The president is now given a lot of responsibility and has many expectations placed upon him. I think the weight of these changes in the individuals life combined with cultural expectations are the reason that the ritual has come into being.

But these are just my thoughts

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